Learn. Network. Connect.
Find a WDC Connects event near you and get connected!
WDC Connects is a series of regional events held all across the United States with the purpose of offering women chiropractors an opportunity to sharpen their skills as a DC, learn more about how to grow their business, connect with other women chiropractors, network with others in the field and more! And best of all, WDC keeps the cost low to attend these amazing events and get CEs (where available) to keep them accessible to students and doctors alike. It’s one more way we at Women Chiropractors work to support you and your practice. So find a regional event near you, sign up, and get connected!
DATE: November 9, 2024
LOCATION: Toronto Public Library, Barbara Frum Branch – 20 Covington Rd. Toronto, Ontario M6A 3C1
- Understanding Health Equity in Chiropractic
- Changing the World at Home and Abroad
- Women’s Health
- The Science of Mindfulness
- Introduction to Sleep, Why its Good for Us and What We Can Do to Optimize It
- How to Use Your Body’s Intelligence to Navigate Family and Professional Relationships
- Patient Care in Peri/Menopause - How We Can Help

DATE: November 16, 2024
LOCATION: The Garage Grill – 202 W Main St. Northville, MI 48167
- Growing Pains in Practice: A Roundtable on Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy and Pediatric
- Contract Conundrums: Navigating the Dos and Don’ts of Independent Contractors vs. Employees
- Strategic Shifts: Exit Strategies and Succession Planning for your Chiropractic Practice
- Vital-Age : Options for Optimal Health and Vitality, Regardless of Age
- Social Media Strategy
- Hands On: Injury Prevention for Chiropractors